Sid Squirrell
Title: Commercial Broker/Developer with Bray Commercial Real Estate
Contact number: (970) 263-2948
Where are you from?
I was delivered at St. Mary’s Hospital, raised right here in Grand Junction, and graduated from Grand Junction High School. It doesn’t get much more hometown than that.
What area do you live in now?
I live right on 7th Street, which makes me close to my office, and even better, within a mile of the gym. I run there every morning, no matter the weather – the colder the better!
How long have you worked in real estate?
I have worked in commercial real estate for 32 years, the entire time with Bray Commercial.
What did you do before that?
I owned and managed restaurants, specifically food-court restaurants in the mall.
What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?
Spending time with my family is the most important thing to me – my wife and three sons. I also enjoy traveling and doing anything that gets me outdoors – running, road and mountain biking, hiking and skiing.
What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy, sell or lease a commercial property?
DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Don’t rely on someone else’s advice or recommendation– do the math and run the numbers. Then hire a reputable, high-quality commercial broker to help you with your commercial real estate needs.